打算轉投Apple陣營已是很久的事,是十年夢想。十年前曾經看過Mac OS 7的說明書,其標榜的易用易明介面,真的比Windows 95好十倍百倍,看後又是妒忌又羨慕。今年夢想該要成真吧,好好享受一下電腦帶來的樂趣,不是煩惱。
從前考量實戰需要,加上經費緊絀,選擇IBM PC是無奈。每月一死,每季一鏟,每年加RAM,Windows之金科定律,不論是95還是XP。用於維護、重灌、升級的時間和金錢,其實並不能彌補其便宜的機價。單以重灌所需的時間,以最低時薪計,隨時可以買起一台專業級的Apple PC。
2003年尾因燒機要購入的EZ barebone機,自去年年中每三個多月就會傻下傻下,聽歌睇戲又會窒下窒下。今次是第四次,我忍夠了。
去年為了急速提升戰力而傾家盪產孤注一擲買入的IBM T42,或許終歸是IBM的專業機種,用起來蠻稱心,夠穩定。既然工作有T42平定,遊戲又有PS2這類從不需要升級的game console,那我的home pc只需要能夠好好地儲存和管理文件、電郵、相片、CD collection便足夠,我哪管它是電腦還是電筒、是XP還是Vista,總之,「簡單就是美」,一按即用、簡單、方便、不死,掂!
原本打算訂購iMac 17",換1x1GB ram和500GB硬盤,連日後升級的事省掉不管,不過又聽說新的Mac OS X 10.5會於今年八月推出,所以還是要等吧。等著等著,我又心動,到時還是訂部iMac 20"吧,反正都是免息分期的。
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Monday, May 29, 2006
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Ultimate Reset: Formatting on Mobile
These days I'm working on Recognizer and Document Handler. This time, however, I've no luck at all. The application has to be embedded and handle data probably. I couldn't find a complete example nor documentation. Most of the posts on the Web are debugging auto-start function, a deformed usage utilize the recognizer.
Tonight is the second night in a row I stayed late at office, trying to hunt down the right code. Yet, no gain, but pain. So frustrated.
How am I going to report to my boss tomorrow? Sigh...
Out of curiosity, I tried those auto-start codes from forums. I'm too lazy to copy the whole structure but the core piece. Anyway, after rebooting, the phone couldn't startup. Not even can I enter *#7370# to reset it. Luckily, there's still a way to format the device:
1. power off,
2. press and hold Green + * + 3,
3. power on and hold the above three keys until "Formatting..." appears.
Woops, that save my life. And this is my first time seeing this formatting screen on Symbian. So what the 3230 tried to tell me is, try everything on emulator first before deploying to real device.
Tonight is the second night in a row I stayed late at office, trying to hunt down the right code. Yet, no gain, but pain. So frustrated.

Out of curiosity, I tried those auto-start codes from forums. I'm too lazy to copy the whole structure but the core piece. Anyway, after rebooting, the phone couldn't startup. Not even can I enter *#7370# to reset it. Luckily, there's still a way to format the device:
1. power off,
2. press and hold Green + * + 3,
3. power on and hold the above three keys until "Formatting..." appears.
Woops, that save my life. And this is my first time seeing this formatting screen on Symbian. So what the 3230 tried to tell me is, try everything on emulator first before deploying to real device.
Thursday, May 18, 2006
Black Soul 黑魂

Left: Black soul N70, feel like the N80 black version.
Right: Original sliver-black case of N70
Thursday, May 11, 2006
Acer n300 v1.00.16
New ROM is out. But I'm not planning to flash. Just too lazy to reinstall all the softwares. (news)
Several hacks to Registry for WM5:
Several hacks to Registry for WM5:
- To erase the battery icon from the Start Bar, create a DWORD with name ShowTitleBarClock and value 1
[HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Shell] "ShowTitleBarClock"=dword:00000001 - To change the format of date and time on Start Bar, create a binary value with name TBOpt and value 13 00 00 00
[HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Shell] "TBOpt"=hex:\13,00,00,00
(I will keep updating when more is found)
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Smart Phone
To better organize my peronsal data, I synchronise my Nokia N70 with home PC once a while. Whenever it connected via the Nokia CA-53 USB data cable, the battery goes down quicker than in stand-by mode. Therefore, I must plug the charger to the phone while using the cable.
Nowadays many mobile phones are called smart phone. They've the basic PIM functions built in. In someway that they are like (pretend to be) a Palm or a Pocket PC. So, this is smart(?). I've been using Palm and Pocket PC for years. The data on device is synchronise (and backup) with Outlook. Month ago, I began to synchronise the phone with Outlook. Trying to eliminate the troubles when I wish to have same data on PDA and phone. Also, I could able to access to all contact I've, no matter I'm holding my PDA or phone. Yet, I
Nowadays mobile phones are called "smart phone". They implemented the basic function of PIM - Personal Information Management. In other way, they're very like a Palm or Pocket PC. And this is smart. I've been using Pocket PC for years and got lots of information on it. With Outlook I synchronise the device with computer daily. When my device malfunction and being hard resetted, or being replaced, I just connect it to computer and all data are back. Palm is even better because all programs and games will be restore automatically upon connected.
Nowadays many mobile phones are called smart phone. They've the basic PIM functions built in. In someway that they are like (pretend to be) a Palm or a Pocket PC. So, this is smart(?). I've been using Palm and Pocket PC for years. The data on device is synchronise (and backup) with Outlook. Month ago, I began to synchronise the phone with Outlook. Trying to eliminate the troubles when I wish to have same data on PDA and phone. Also, I could able to access to all contact I've, no matter I'm holding my PDA or phone. Yet, I
Nowadays mobile phones are called "smart phone". They implemented the basic function of PIM - Personal Information Management. In other way, they're very like a Palm or Pocket PC. And this is smart. I've been using Pocket PC for years and got lots of information on it. With Outlook I synchronise the device with computer daily. When my device malfunction and being hard resetted, or being replaced, I just connect it to computer and all data are back. Palm is even better because all programs and games will be restore automatically upon connected.
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