Monday, December 31, 2007

Best solution to run Windows on Mac?

Which is the best solution to run Windows on a Mac (Intel) machine, BootCamp, Parallels or VMware Fusion? Check this out:

Virtualization Benchmarking - How do Boot Camp, Parallels Desktop, and VMware Fusion stack up? by MacTech Labs.

Displaying Lyrics from iTunes

Note: this short tutorial only apply to Mac OS X.

Rumor said that iTunes 8 will support lyrics display during playback. But when will it be available and how will lyrics be displayed? Meanwhile, here is my quick solution to have your lyrics display on screen. And by the mean of "your lyrics", I mean not only the lyrics found by googling but also those already wrote into the files and those cannot be found by Utamap, MetroLyrics, or whatever database used by the lyrics application.

- Apple iTunes 7
- TunesTEXT

Some people recommended pearLyrics but I don't. Although it has both Widgets and standalone app version, it cannot read from my files and use my lyrics. Also, it search on every song, even the song is already searched for. Taking extra and unnecessary resource is a con, and not able to find/display lyrics for Asian songs is another con. So, I suggest TunesTEXT.

Installing and using TunesTEXT is extremely straight forward. So I don't bother write up a tutorial about it. You should also found no problem with English songs. If it found the missing lyrics for you, it will save for you automatically (if Perferences > Embed Lyrics in Music Files is checked). Otherwise, click on the "i", paste your own lyrics and click Save. You might notice a short delay in playback, depending on your ID3 tag has or not has enough space for your lyrics. Lyrics also appears in iTunes immediately. Here is a good database for Chinese songs: Sina Music. Yes, you need to search for every song manually. If you have any automatic solution, please let me know.

However, if you find using Dashboard troublesome, you should get Widgets Preference Pane. It allows you to move any Widgets onto your desktop (and then disable the Dashboard to save memory). I found their zip file corrupted so you might need to google another location to download. I'm using an old version: v1.0. Its file for Intel is claimed to be "untested". But I got no problems so far.

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Spams in Yahoo Messenger

一直以來都很少用Yahoo Messenger,不過Adium可以登入各種IM系統,就順手加進去。每隔一些日子,才偶然登入一次,每次都會出現這種情況,就和Spam Mail一樣的多,令人討厭。為何Yahoo Messenger不能阻隔這類Spam Messages呢?


Thursday, December 27, 2007

Double Backup


礙於我還初次接觸Mac OS,在資料轉移方面還是花了很長的時間,大概、一年有多了吧。其實是沒有那個閑去弄。其間把一大堆files周圍移動,而舊的P4電腦裡那250GB硬盤又要封存,即使還有一台250GB USB硬盤和一台250GB LAN硬盤,其實可用的空間還不是很多(就是嘛,明明加起多有1.25TB的,還是有點足襟見肘)。

趁著假期,終於把大部份的檔案都移到iMac裡,把P4的硬盤也改成USB硬盤之後,兩台USB硬盤都拿來做備份,一台跑iBackup,另一台跑Time Machine。其實會否有點過火呢?有點怕死的感覺。

Thursday, December 20, 2007

How Addicted to Apple Are You?

Oh, I'm 56% addicted to Apple! (only??)

56%How Addicted to Apple Are You?

100% Free Dating at

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

No more Mac vs Windows

An article from the blog of Don McAllisters (founder of ScreenCasts Online) - "I’ve Given Up Arguing with Windows Users Too!". Hey, Don McAllisters, you are great! After switching to Mac...

* I enjoy using a computer again
* I don’t worry too much about virus and malware attacks (without being too blase)
* I don’t have any performance issues
* Mac software is plentiful, beautiful, well designed and incredibly inexpensive.
* There’s no problems sharing files with Windows users.
* I can run Windows if I really want too (but don’t)

I can't agree no more!

Running the latest Mac OS X (Leopard) on my 1 year old machine (C2D 2GHz, 2GB DDR2) is a lot of pleasure than with the latest Windows OS, which you get pressure. At least, no performance issue make you feel you are enjoying what you paid for (and won't hearing the computer screaming for hardware upgrade, which eventually will be more than purchasing a XP professional license).

Is there any disadvantage on Apple's computer? Yes. The Apple Wireless Keyboard and Mouse! They drain new battery within 3 months. And my keyboard just stop functioning in the middle of this post. Now, I've to use the compact, unfamiliar Logitech NetPlay Keyboard, which not give me typo but wrong action (such as suddenly deleted my text or do a forward delete when I try to press arrow-up key).

Buy Mac advice (if you prefer wireless):

1. go with the wired keyboard and mouse. this is the backup solution for your wireless kb ms. check out Logitech's wireless mouse and keyboard for Mac (approx. HK$650), OR try other cheaper PC keyboard and mouse but you less able to take advance of Mac's shortcut keys.


2. go with Apple's wireless keyboard and mouse. buy a lot of rechargeable battery and to be expect that they will die in 1 or 2 year. you won't able to fully drain the battery before you need to replace/recharge them.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007


The Government is going to install Wi-Fi facilities for public access in their premises. Details here.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Speech Toggle

Speech Command on Mac can be handy (or should I say handless?), sometime. I always use the command such as "Switch to iTunes", "Next", "Switch to Firefox", "Start screen saver" (I need to stress on the word "screen" to make this one work). But I found the Firefox are not responding to the command well. Anyway.

Since some might concern that turning on and off the Speech is troublesome on Mac (method 1, open System Preference and open Speech; method 2, use Spotlight and type Spe to get to Speech). So, some nice guy had wrote a little program and give us a handy shortcut to toggle the speech: Speech Toggle. For more details, please check out the product page.

Nevertheless, the Speech Recognition is not always fully working well, sometime, or you would like to customize more action for that 'stupid half-deaf Mac'. Then you'd like to read this: Hack Attack: Make your Mac's Speech Recognition work for you.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

PSP + Belkin N Wireless Router

Two months ago, I purchased a Belkin N Wireless Router (F5D8233-4), after my second Linksys router (WRT54G) stop working properly. Belkin's life-time warranty won over the single year warranty Linksys offers. That's why I switched to Belkin when both my previous routers died in their third year.

The router and its settings look great for a-little-bit-serious users. May be advanced users would prefer Linksys, which they can flash it with hacked firmware. I just want stable and ease to use. The settings page look great but help was not enough (still better than Linksys' help page). Setup is no difficulties. I've connected my IBM T42, iMac and PS3 over Wi-Fi. My friends' laptop also on the MAC address filter list too (yes, on top of the WPA, MAC filter is another good way to protect the network). My PDA and PSP, however, are not able to connect. Both of them are 802.11b. My PSP can't even discover the router, even it is just 2 feet away.

Before I'm about to flash the N Wireless Router to latest firmware (v1.00.10), I gave a last shot. Following are my original wireless settings (firmware 1.00.07):

Wireless Channel = 6
Extension Channel = 2
Wireless Mode = 802.11b&802.11g&802.11n
Bandwidth = 20MHz/40MHz
Broadcast SSID = Yes
Protected Mode = ON
802.11e/WMM Qos = ON

By try-and-error, I found a working wireless settings:

Wireless Channel = 6
Extension Channel = disabled
Wireless Mode = 802.11b&802.11g&802.11n
Bandwidth = 20MHz
Broadcast SSID = Yes
Protected Mode = ON
802.11e/WMM Qos = OFF

Although my PSP is slow, it is now connected to Internet. I should try my PDA later.

Friday, December 07, 2007


"Microsoft kills Windows Genuine Advantage" - MacWorld UK (src:

"And I think it’s no coincidence that none of them are made by Apple." - Mark Hattersley


Mac OS萬歲!Linux萬歲!Karena萬歲!收工。

Wednesday, December 05, 2007


20% off at ScreenCastsOnline, with the coupon code from MacSanta. Availability subjects to change.

Besides, ScreenCastsOnline (SCO) is my second favorite Podcasts. Its tutorial-like, step-by-step videos show you lots of good thing in the Mac. The initial membership cost USD 45 for 6 months. With the discount above, it's only $36 (that's why I joined membership today).

During the membership period, you can access not only latest video but all of them since 2005, in multiple resolutions, including HD and iPod. Note that those videos for iPod, in 320x240, can be played directly on PSP without converting. Still not sure about other resolutions yet.

If you would like to learn more about Mac, and have a PSP around for watching video on the road and has some spare money to spend during this Christmas holiday, you may consider subscribing the SCO. It just cost you a little bit cheaper than an XBOX 360 game (or a lot cheaper than a PS3 title). Alternatively, you can subscribe SCO free version via iTunes. No cost at all but some videos are exclusive for members. Not to mention that not HD in free version (except a few sponsored episodes).