Tuesday, October 17, 2006

iBackup for Mac

When I am mirgating data from my old desktop to this new iMac, what concern me most is the backup solution. As far as I know, Backup is free to .Mac subscriper, which subscription cost is at least HK$780 per year. I will not use much of their services anyway so it seems not a good solution. Although one can get a 60-day free trial first to obtain the software (download require log-in/sign up), Backup cannot be scheduled without .Mac account. Someone found a "solution" to use the software without .Mac account but that require advance level of Mac as well as a server (see "Running Apple's Backup Without a .Mac Account". This seems to complicated to me, all I want from Mac is simplicity but not complexity. Finally I found a solution: iBackup.

The program look nice and I still learning to use. However, the first draw back I found is that it has problem with FAT 32 partitions. It cannot skip existing files but write all files again everytime it runs backup. This isn't a good sign. Anyway, I've reformatted my Buffalo 250 DriveStation to Mac partition and try back up now. Hope this work well.

Saturday, October 07, 2006


Mac OS 自帶的大易輸入法有嚴重的設計缺陷,習慣Windows那套的人無使正常打字,最慘是因為工作需要,還是需要使用Windows。因為無法隨時「轉台」而造成在Mac上用Windows的方式,回到Windows時又用了Mac的方式。

上Google一查就找到Shih-Hsien的Blog,他也遇到這個問題並成功解決(參閱「用 OpenVanilla 打造 Mac OS X 上的大易純三碼輸入法」),按他指示找到「香草輸入法」(下稱OV)。OV是很不錯,可惜它的大易輸入標點符號的方法欠奉,後來上網再查就發現這個「大易標點符號在WinBase上的輸入方法」,裡面有個大易修正檔,雖然是給版本0.6.3,可是放在版本0.7.2還是可以的。

用 OpenVanilla 打造 Mac OS X 上的最接近Windows XP的大易輸入法

修正檔沒錯可以讓你打標號,可是和Windows的使用方法還有一段距離,於是我把它來個大改,除了全型英文字外,其餘的標點、符號、圖案和街道字都加上去,我想大概有二百多個字元,由於cin檔的授權不容許重新散佈,我只好把更新了的部份貼出來。若果你有興趣的話可以先參考以上各連結,明白了cin檔是什麼一回事後再copy我這段update (因為太長了所以放在comment裡)。